Art Fairs

FOCUS Art Fair London, 2023

Memory is a garden   installation sns 02

GALLERY ETHER is happy to announce that we will be exhibiting Nelson Hor's "Memory is a Garden" immersive installation and painting series at this year's FOCUS Art Fair London, 2023 held at Saatchi Gallery.

In Memory is a Garden, Hor expands on the Japanese idiom “not seeing is a flower”, which is used to express the sentiment that because what is real can never be as good as what is imagined, prospect is often better than possession. However, it’s only through the possession of experience and memory that we are able to cobble information and evidence together into prospects and predictions for the future. Memory, as a way of reliving past experiences and creating our sense of time and space, is rather unreliable. It is often warped, manipulated, or simply fabricated by our emotions, traumatic experiences, and other factors. Hor finds himself fascinated by the idea that our existence as humans is built on these inaccurate and flexible memories. In this exhibition he presents us with a body of work within the context of a fully immersive installation, creating a space for viewers to experience how external factors can easily alter our memories, and demonstrating how parts of our brain communicate with each other as if in a room where sounds are constantly coming from other corners of the house. If not seeing is a flower, memory is a garden.